Substance abuse problem

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Substances abuse problems

Substance abuse mean the use or possession of any drug in a way prohibited by law; and the use of alcohol or any legal drug or other substance in a way that the user?s mental or physical capabilities are reduced below their normal levels (with or without any reasonable accommodation for a disability).

Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use pose a significant threat to the health, social and economic fabric of families and communities. Alcoholism is a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychological, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. This disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by continuous or periodic: impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, most notably denial. About 100,000 people die each year from alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. The direct and indirect costs of alcoholism - lost productivity, absenteeism, medical claims, and accidents - is in excess of $140 billion each year.

Treatment reduces substance use by 40-60% and significantly decreases criminal activity during and after treatment. Every $1.00 invested in additional treatment programs yields a return of $7.00 in reduced criminal and primary health care costs.

Effects on the Brain

Satisfaction or pleasure is a powerful biological force for survival. If you do something enjoyable, the brain is arranged in a way that you tend to do it again and again. One important set of these nerve cells, which uses a neurotransmitter dopamine, in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) the brainstem. These dopamine-containing neurons transmit messages about satisfaction to the nerve cells in a limbic system structure called the nucleus accumbens. The circuit, which is the mesolimbic dopamine system, spans the survival-oriented brainstem, the emotional limbic system, and the frontal cerebral cortex. All substances that are addicting can activate the brain's pleasure circuit. Substance addiction is a biological, pathological process that alters function of the pleasure centre, as well as other parts of the brain. Music is good alternative to these chemical stimuli to stimulate these pleasure centres. It is safe and natural but weak stimuli. It can be combined with other form of therapies to help people to develop attitudes and practices that promote positive health and social progress.

Oriental Music

Two CD packages, Two steps

Use first CD package and listing according to easy procedure we describe. No excise, meditation or difficult procedure you do it at your home/working place. You have to assess the progress of treatment according to assessment we describe.

During second step, you will get weekly guide and instructions according to your request from our expert panel via E-mail, fax or telephone.

You will be able to reduce or stop medicine (if you are using any) according to our advice at second steps. However like most of other treatment mode, we are not in a position to assure you that you will get 100% expected effects or 'cure' with this music therapy. We can assure that it is effective as complementary treatment for most of patients. Like other treatment methods the out-come depend on severity of the condition, course of the progress, personal factor etc.

Before you get full music treatment packages you need to send us short history of your condition with name of the medicine you used if any.(Any information you submit will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be used for any purposes.) Our expert panel will assess you condition.

If you want to test first package you can have an introductory package.

If you like to joint our ongoing research on hypertension, stress, anxiety, substance abuse problem..... .

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Disclaimer: This is an educational web site. Always seek professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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